Happy the new Persian year 1387 Hijrat, 7030 Mitraian, 3746 Zaraostrian and 2567 Archemedian.
Yes, Mohammad the prophet had traveled from Mecca to Medina 1387 years ago, but my land, Persia, was celebrating Nowrooz 5845 years before that. Moreover, 2361 years before his travel, my people was worshiping the only God and Cyrus, the great, was distributing friendship between people all over the world about 1182 years before that trip.
We have the true calendar, the start of spring season is start of our new year. We count it even in seconds to change the year exactly on time.
Westerns have borrowed their Georgian calendar from us. Count back from December as 10th. month, November as the 9th month, October as 8th month, September as 7th. month to see we were cultural cousins a day.
Happy Nowrooz to All Then.